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Zolotarev O.V.
New Economic Policy, Authorities and the Intelligentsia. P. 5–13
Kryzhan A.V.
The Use of Elements of Scientific Management by Local Institutions of Justice in the Second Half of the 1920s (Based on the Periodical Yezhenedelnik Sovetskoi Yustitsii). P. 14–24
Mamonova N.V.
English-Language Borrowings in Modern Urban Texts (Exemplified by the City of Chelyabinsk). P. 25–32
Semkova A.V., Gorbunova T.V.
Structural and Semantic Links Between Constructions Categorizing Regret and Emotional-Evaluative Attitude. P. 33–40
Sobczak B., Wójciak M.
Images of Russia: Strategies for Writing About Russia in Contemporary Polish Literary Reportage. P. 41–54
Fedulenkova T.N.
Variability in the English Phraseological Units of the Model V + (d) + N + Prep + θ with the Verb ‘Have’. P. 55–62
Filippov G.G.
On the Relation of the Yakut Participles -ааччы and -а илик to the Siberian Turkic Languages. P. 63–71
Yakoba I.A., Kostina K.V.
Linguocognitive Mechanisms of US Anthem Multimodality. P. 72–79
Goldin V.I.
Science. Education. Regions. P. 137–142
From the Cincinnati Reds to the Moscow Reds. P. 143–146
Arutyunyan K.S.
Factors Forming Public Consciousness Today. P. 80–87
Voloshin V.V.
Classifying and the Classifications of Possible Worlds. P. 88–98
Hieromonk Ioann (Bulyko I.P.)
Yves Congar’s Theological Anthropology. P. 99–109
Latysheva Zh.V.
Means and Features of Social Transcending. P. 110–119
Maykova V.P., Molchan E.M.
Formation of a Person’s Spiritual and Moral Values in the Context of Dialogical Interaction. P. 120–127
Prilutskiy A.M.
Eschatological Mythologeme of Sacred Shelter in the Discourses of Orthodox Subcultures. P. 128–136
Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Forest Journal
Arctic and North