

Legal and postal addresses of the publisher: office 1336, 17 Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Phone: (818-2) 21-61-21, ext. 18-20

For Authors

Manuscript Preparation Requirements

Версия для печати

General requirements

Manuscripts shall be written in English or Russian and submitted in electronic format. They may be sent by e-mail or submitted in our office. Specify the branch of science and specialty of the research carried out. The article shall be typed in Microsoft Word and saved with *.doc file extension. The file name shall contain the author’s surname and initials.

Page setup

А4 format. Margins: right, left — 2.5 cm; top, bottom — 2 cm.

Main text formatting

Paragraph indentation — 1 cm. Line spacing — 1.5. Page numbers shall be placed in the middle of the top margin of the page in Arabic numerals.


Times New Roman. Font size — 14; abstract and keywords — 12.

Article size

The maximum article size is 20 pages; for review articles, up to 25 pages.

Author information

Name and surname; academic degree, title, position and affiliation (university, college, department), work address with postal code; telephone (work, mobile), e-mail. If there are several authors, indicate the corresponding one. Total number of scientific publications and, separately indicated, number of monographs and textbooks.


Information about the author should also include a digital name identifier ORCID in the form of a link: To get your ORCID go to  The record must contain at least the following information: place of work, academic degree, academic title, position.

UDC code

Specified in a separate line on the left before the title of the paper. The UDC code (Universal Decimal Classification) is assigned by a scientific library and must comply with the topic stated.


Placed before the main text of the article. Should not exceed 11 words.


An abstract (written in English) should be:

- informative (without general words);

- original;

- factful (provide a summary of the content of the article and key results of the study);

- structured (follow the logic of the article describing the results);

- written in good English;

- concise (between 200 and 250 words).

Abstracts in the “Reviews and Bibliography” and “Academic Life” sections should be in the range of 50100 words. 


Following the abstract, up to 6–8 key words (word combinations) that convey the main meaning of the article should be given.

Notes and comments:

Notes, comments on the text and references to documentary sources must be given as footnotes (at the bottom of the page). Footnote marker – Arabic numeral (per page numbering).


References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text.

References should be cited as follows:

- to the entire work:

In the text: In conservative circles, in contrast, there could still be some sympathy for Russia, not least in Germany, where many aristocrats admired the Russian society for its stable values, its defence of Christianity, and its monarchy [21].

In the list of references: 21. Naarden B. Socialist Europe and Revolutionary Russia: Perception and Prejudice. Cambridge, 1992, 604 p.

- to a fragment of the work:

In the text: [9, p. 257], [9, p. 270], etc.

In the list of references: Klaus Eder. Europe's Borders. The Narrative Construction of the Boundaries of Europe. European Journal of Social Theory, 2006, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 255–271.

For more details please see “References Preparation Recommendations”

Figures, charts, diagrams

Up to 4 figures (black-and-white) may be submitted. Figures, charts and diagrams shall be submitted on separate pages and as separate files in TIFF or TIF format (Grayscale at a minimum of 300 dpi). Use the margins of the article to indicate where the figure is to be placed. Diagrams should be drawn using striped pattern fill. The illustrations must be clear and scannable. In the text of the article, a reference to a specific figure should be given, for example (Fig. 2). Figures should contain a minimum number of words and symbols. Each figure should have a sequence number, legend and explanation of all the curves, numbers, letters and other symbols placed under the figure.


The number of tables should not exceed 3. Each table must be provided with a serial number and a title. All columns should have subject headings. Tables must be submitted in Microsoft Word and consecutively numbered. Simultaneous use of tables and graphs (figures) to present the same results is not allowed. Values of all physical quantities should be given in SI units.


Mathematical and physical formulae (only formulae!) should be done in MS Equation 3.0 editor only. Variables in the text are typed in ordinary text mode.

Originality of the text

At least 80 % of the the manuscript text should be original.  

The decision on the publication of the paper is made by the Editorial Board of the journal. Electronic versions of the edited text will not be sent to the authors, the submitted manuscripts will not be returned.

  • All manuscripts are sent to independent examination and are published only in case of a positive review. The editorial office reserves the rights to make necessary amendments and abridgements in the text.
  • Articles are published free of charge.
  • Papers are accepted throughout the year at the following address: office 1410a, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 17 Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation.
  • The Editorial Office accepts preliminary applications for issue purchase.

Phone: (8182) 21-61-21

e-mail: vestnik_gum@narfu.ruExecutive Secretary of the Editorial Office of Humanitarian and Social Sciences.

You can subscribe to the journal at the post office. The subscription terms are published in the bulletin “The United Catalogue. Russian Press. Newspapers and Magazines”.  Subscriptional index:  38555.

Make a Submission








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Forest Journal 

Arctic and North  
