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Phone: (818-2) 21-61-21, ext. 18-20
E-mail: vestnik_gum@narfu.ru
Manuscript Submission Requirements
- The Editorial Office accepts manuscripts for the key sections of the journal, presenting a high degree of scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance. The paper must state principal findings of the study. Scientific papers are accepted throughout the year.
- Only researchers, doctoral students, postgraduate students (starting from the second year of study) and applicants for an academic degree may be authors of our articles.
- A manuscript can be accepted for publication in the journal upon receiving a positive peer review from recognized scientists in the given field of knowledge. In case of a positive review, the article is included in the next issue of the journal in the order of submission.
- Only scientific papers conforming to the technical requirements are accepted for publication. Manuscripts failing to meet the requirements will not be considered.
- The final decision on the acceptability of the manuscript for publication is made by the Editorial Board of the journal. A decision letter will be sent to the author.
- Postgraduate students as well as PhD and doctoral candidates are required to submit a recommendation letter from their scientific adviser. The letter does not substitute for a peer-review, but only guarantees the article’s sufficient academic level.
- Articles are published free of charge.
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Journal of Medical and Biological
Forest Journal
Arctic and North