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Bronnikov V.L.
Career of the Captain of the Soviet Icebreaker Fleet B.N. Makarov. P. 5–15
Diunov M.Yu.
Assessing the Legality of the Abdication of Nicholas II. P. 16–27
Efimov A.A.
Composition of the rules of the water-pipe system usage in the palace towns in the end of the 1`9th century. P. 28–36
Khromtsova T.V.
Training Craftsmen in Comprehensive Schools of the Russian Empire in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries (Based on the Materials from the Arkhangelsk Province). P. 37–47
Prosolova E.V.
Fears as a Socio-Psychological Phenomenon in Cold War Film Propaganda. P. 48–58
Luk՚yanov V.Yu.
Post-Soviet Space in the Context of Russia–West Relations: Problems and Prospects. P. 59–69
Belyaeva M.V.
Apokoinu Constructions as One of the Markers of Colloquialism in the German Language. P. 70–77
Vakhterova E.V.
Genre-Specific Characteristics of the English Research Article: Analysis of the Content Macrostructure of the Results and Discussion Sections. P. 78–86
Guseva A.E., Mal’tsev M.A., Shabanova V.P.
The Antonymic Paradigm of Phraseological Somatisms of the English and German Languages (Exemplified by Phraseological Units with the Semantics of Speech Activity). P. 87–95
Neklyudova E.A.
Gender Specifics of the Grammatical Component of the Linguistic Personality of the Local Politician (Based on the Speeches of Vologda Region Politicians). P. 96–106
Sokolova F.Kh., Goldin V.I.
Modernization of the Russian North. Historical Experience for the Future Russia. P. 132–137
Nikolaev S.G.
Literary Translation and Political Regime: Relations, Ties, Control and Disobedience. P. 127–131
Dolin V.A.
Latent Clericalization of State–Religion Relations in Belarus: Forms and Prospects. P. 107–115
Varakin V.S., Openkov M.Yu.
Classical and Non-Classical Epistemology of Caves (Part 1). P. 116–126
Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Forest Journal
Arctic and North