Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Pedagogics. Psychology The full-text version of the article can be requested through the university’s library. UDC371.311.5AuthorsPatrikeev Georgy Vyacheslavovich, Institute of Physical Education, Sport and Health, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)Durkin Petr Kalistratovich, Institute of Physical Education, Sport and Health, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
AbstractBased on theoretical and experimental research, the article shows the importance of movement environment for cultivation of active-positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle among senior pupils.Keywordsmovement environment, activity-oriented education, self-development of senior pupils, integration of knowledge, the conscious and subconscious. |
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