Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Philosophy Download (pdf, 4.3MB )UDC101.1:316DOI10.17238/issn2227-6564.2019.2.94AuthorsAndrey B. BakuradzeRussian University of Transport; ul. Chasovaya 22/2, Moscow, 125190, Russian Federation; e-mail: AbstractThis article substantiates the importance of philosophical research into the management of social organizations and characterizes the socio-philosophical analysis as the most frequently utilized philosophical and methodological procedure for studying social objects. The author suggests using the philosophical cognition algorithm developed by A.A. Kokorin to conduct a socio-philosophical analysis of managerial activity. Considering the stages of such an algorithm, the author singles out the dominant methodological tools relevant for each of the stages when studying social management. In addition, the paper formulates the rules for applying the philosophical cognition algorithm, tested in the course of research into the fundamental values of managing a social organization, into motivating employees and leaders as well as into various aspects of leadership. To consider the phenomenon of social management from different aspects, the author suggests to, along with the philosophical cognition algorithm, use both a set of general methodological procedures and individual methodologies of such disciplines as psychology, political science, sociology, economics, law, and others. Further, the article highlights the role of synthesis, abstraction, generalization, induction and deduction in studying the management of social organizations. Moreover, the author substantiates the expediency of applying the systems, structuralfunctional, and situational approaches in such studies. A conclusion is made that for the implementation of these studies there is a sufficient number of methodological tools available that should be used in a comprehensive manner. The author’s proposals can be used for the development of methodological procedures for both socio-philosophical and other research into management, in consulting aimed to support senior executives at various managerial levels, as well as in the methodological training of managers in higher education and continuing professional education.Keywordssocial organization, social management, philosophical research, methodology, philosophical cognition algorithm, socio-philosophical analysis, methodological toolReferences1. Toshchenko Zh.T. Sotsiologiya zhizni [Sociology of Life]. Moscow, 2016. 399 p.2. Bogdanov A.A. Tektologiya. Vseobshchaya organizatsionnaya nauka [Tectology. General Organizational Science]. Moscow, 2003. 496 p. 3. Afanas’ev V.G. Obshchestvo: sistemnost’, poznanie i upravlenie [Society: Systematicity, Cognition and Management]. Moscow, 1981. 432 p. 4. Lebedev P.N. Sotsial’noe upravlenie [Social Management]. Leningrad, 1982. 255 p. 5. Suvorov L.I., Averin A.N. Sotsial’noe upravlenie: opyt filosofskogo analiza [Social Management: The Experience of Philosophical Analysis]. Moscow, 1984. 232 p. 6. Aseev V.G. Normativnoe upravlenie sotsial’nym razvitiem [Regulatory Management of Social Development]. Moscow, 1988. 127 p. 7. Osipov Yu.M. Opyt filosofii khozyaystva (khozyaystvo kak fenomen kul’tury i samoorganizuyushchayasya sistema) [The Experience of Philosophy of Economy (Economy as a Phenomenon of Culture and Self-Organizing System)]. Moscow, 1990. 382 p. 8 Patrushev V.I. Vvedenie v teoriyu sotsial’nykh tekhnologiy [Introduction to the Theory of Social Technology]. Moscow, 1998. 200 p. 9. Tikhonov A.V. Sotsiologiya upravleniya: vchera, segodnya, zavtra [Sociology of Governance and Administration: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow]. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, 2018, no. 2, pp. 102–113. 10. Diev V.S. Upravlencheskie resheniya: neopredelennost’, modeli, intuitsiya [Management Decisions: Uncertainty, Models, Intuition]. Novosibirsk, 2001. 195 p. 11. March J.G., Simon H.A. Organizations. New York, 1958. 262 p. 12. Kokorin A.A. Ekonomika: filosofskiy analiz [Economy: A Philosophical Analysis]. Moscow, 2010. 264 p. 13. Kokorin A.A. Filosofskiy algoritm poznaniya: soderzhanie i prakticheskie vozmozhnosti [Philosophical Algorithm of Knowledge: Content and Practicability]. Moscow, 2013. 324 p. 14. de Broglie L. Sur les sentiers de la science. Paris, 1960. 417 p. (Russ. ed.: de Broyl’ L. Po tropam nauki. Moscow, 1962. 408 p.). 15. Mil’ner B.Z., Evenko L.I., Rapoport V.S. Sistemnyy podkhod k organizatsii upravleniya [Systems Approach to the Organization of Management]. Moscow, 1983. 224 p. 16. Fayol H. Administration industrielle et générale. Paris, 1970 (Russ. ed.: Fayol’ A. Obshchee i promyshlennoe upravlenie. St. Petersburg, 2014. 142 p.). 17. Peters T.J., Waterman R.H. In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best-Run Companies. New York, 1982 (Russ. ed.: Piters T., Uotermen R. V poiskakh effektivnogo upravleniya. Moscow, 1986. 424 p.). |
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