Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Philosophy, Sociology, Politology The full-text version of the article can be requested through the university’s library. UDC[101.1+378+141.78+004](045)AuthorsMorshchikhina Larisa Aleksandrovna, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)AbstractThe article reveals peculiarities of the style of the postmodern era, which become apparent in one’s research and education activities. The author shows possibilities and examples of creating research and education environment capable of bringing both the knowledge and its holder to a qualitatively new level.Keywordspostmodernism, knowledge, research and education environment.References1. Baudrillard J. L’Échange symbolique et la mort. Paris, 1976 (Russ. ed.: Bodriyyar Zh. Simvolicheskiy obmen i smert’. Moscow, 2011. 392 p.).2. Baudrillard J. Illusion, désillusion esthétiques. 1997 (Russ. ed.: Bodriyyar Zh. Estetika illyuziy, estetika utraty illyuziy. Available at: (accessed 22 March 2013). 3. Volkov I.D. Kontseptsiya proekta korporativnogo nauchno-obrazovatel’nogo portala [The Concept of the Project of a Corporate Academic Portal]. Available at: (accessed 22 March 2013). 4. Deleuze G. Pourparlers. 1972–1990. Paris, 1990 (Russ. ed.: Delez Zh. Peregovory. 1972–1990. St. Petersburg, 2004). 5. Emelin V.A. Informatsionnye tekhnologii v kontekste postmodernistskoy filosofii: avtoref. dis. … kand. filos. nauk [Information Technologies in the Context of Postmodern Philosophy: Cand. Philos. Sci. Diss. Abs.]. Moscow, 1999. Available at: (accessed 28 October 2012). 6. Castells M. The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Cambridge, Oxford, 1996 (Russ. ed.: Kastel’s M. Informatsionnaya epokha. Ekonomika, obshchestva i kul’tura. Moscow, 2000. 608 p.). 7. Leybin V.M. Rol’ informatsionno-kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologiy v izmenenii otnosheniy mezhdu voobrazhaemym, simvolicheskim i real’nym [Role of Information-Communication Technologies in Change of Relations Between Imagined, Symbolical and Real]. Voprosy filosofii, 2011, no. 6, pp. 93–102. 8. Lyotard J.- F. La Condition postmoderne: rapport sur le savoir. Paris, 1979 (Russ. ed.: Liotar Zh.-F. Sostoyanie postmoderna. Moscow, St. Petersburg, 1998. 160 p.). 9. Luhmann N. Entscheidungen in der Informationsgesellschaft. 1997 (Russ. ed.: Luman N. Resheniya v informatsionnom obshchestve. Available at: (accessed 2 April 2012). 10. Morshchikhina L.A. “Arktik-fond” – territoriya dialoga [“Arctic-Fund”: The Territory of Dialogue]. Arktika i Sever, 2012, no. 8, pp. 37–42. 11. Openkov M.Yu. Khakni budushchee [Hack the Future]. Moscow, 2007. Available at: book251.pdf (accessed 12 February 2013). 12. Foucault M. L’Archéologie du savoir. Paris, 1969 (Russ. ed.: Fuko M. Arkheologiya znaniya. Kiev, 1996. 207 р.). 13. Hart K. Postmodernism: A Beginner’s Guide. Oneworld, 2004 (Russ. ed.: Khart K. Postmodernizm. Moscow, 2006). 14. Shentseva E.A. Setevoy podkhod v kontekste filosofskogo diskursa [Network Approach in the Context of Philosophical Discourse]. Voprosy filosofii, 2012, no. 8, pp. 42–60. 15. Deleuze G., Guattari F. Rhizome. Paris, 1976. 74 p. 16. Kroker A., Weinstein M.A. Data Trash: The Theory of the Virtual Class. Montreal, 1994. 160 p. Available at: (accessed 4 November 2012). |
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