Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Pedagogics. Psychology The full-text version of the article can be requested through the university’s library. UDC378.01AuthorsMakarova Olga Yuryevna, Foreign Languages Department, Kazan State Medical University (Kazan, Russia)AbstractThe article considers issues related to specific functions of the educational system at the university. The author dwells on justification and validation of criteria and indicators for the evaluation of functioning and development of the educational system. Criteria are identified for a comprehensive assessment of the educational system structure. The selected criteria are considered by the author as priority ones, defining the level of efficiency of the educational system of the university.Keywordscomprehensive assessment, efficiency of educational system, system of criteria and indicators, result of educational activity.References1. Avalueva N.B. Kriterial’nyy podkhod k otsenke effektivnosti vospitatel’noy deyatel’nosti: аvtoref. dis. ... kand. ped. nauk. [Criterion Approach to the Evaluation of Efficiency of Educational Activities. Cand. Pedagog. Sci. Diss. Abs.]. St. Petersburg, 2003.2. Zimnyaya I.A. Vospitatel’naya deyatel’nost’ obrazovatel’nogo uchrezhdeniya kak ob”ekt kompleksnoy kriterial’noy otsenki [Educational Activities of Educational Institutions as an Object of a Comprehensive Criterion Evaluation]. Moscow, 2007.
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