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Peculiarities of Orthodox Religiousness in View of Neo-Patristic Theological Synthesis. Pp. 57–62.

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Section: Philosophy, Sociology, Politology

The full-text version of the article can be requested through the university’s library.




Сhelovenko Tatyana Grigoryevna, Faculty of Philosophy, Orel State University (Orel, Russia) 

Chudaeva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Philosophy, Orel State University (Orel, Russia)


The article considers the phenomenon of Orthodox religiousness in connection with the modern neo-patristic theology and integrative strategies of its interpretation by means of philosophical and theological discourse. The authors highlight such inherent characteristics of Orthodox religiousness as existentiality and social service, and emphasize the link between Cyril and Methodius’ thinking tradition and neo-patristic synthesis of modern Russia.


religiousness, Orthodox religiousness, integrative strategies of religious studies, neopatristic synthesis, Cyril and Methhodius’ tradition of love for knowledge.


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