Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Philology The full-text version of the article can be requested through the university’s library. UDC821.112.2AuthorsZhuravleva Elena Ivanovna, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Institute of Philology and Cross-Cultural CommunicationAbstractThe article provides general characteristics of the European Baroque style as an embodiment of “poetics of crisisˮ. Features of Late Baroque in German poetry can be found in С.H. von Hoffmannswaldau’s poem “The Description of Perfect Beautyˮ. They are: stylistic richness and fancifulness of images, play of contrasts, elaborate ornamentation and mannerism.KeywordsGerman poetry, Baroque, image, stylistic device, mannerism, metaphoricalness. |
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