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The Concept of Metalanguage: From R. Jakobson’s Linguistic Heritage to Modern Scientific Practices. C. 88-100
Section: Linguistics
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Mikhail A. Kravchenko
Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Assoc. Prof., Assoc. Prof. at the Department of Mass Communication and Applied Linguistics, Rostov State Transport University (address: pl. Rostovskogo Strelkovogo Polka Narodnogo Opolcheniya 2, Rostov-on-Don, 344000, Russia).
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This paper presents a scientific reflection on the origin, development and differentiation of the concept of metalanguage, used by modern linguists within approaches and disciplines that describe the manifestations of this phenomenon. The emergence and initial use of the term metalanguage in linguistic practice is described, the understanding of the phenomenon of metalanguage within R. Jakobson’s linguistic heritage is analysed, theoretical and methodological connections between the elements of his concept and modern approaches to metalanguage research are established. By applying the techniques of narrative linguistic historiography, including the methods of comprehension, interpretation and classification of linguistic works, as well as the descriptive method, allowing us to transmit theoretical premises, arguments and conclusions, the author of this paper proves that the functional orientation of metalanguage research can be traced back to the well-known functional model of language. In this model, Jakobson attached great importance to the metalinguistic function. His ideas on the significance of metalinguistic competence for a person’s cognitive growth contributed to the development of an interdisciplinary field that has mechanisms of mental development during ontogenesis as its subject matter. As a result of the research, a hypothesis was confirmed that most contemporary approaches to metalanguage are grounded in the concept proposed by Jakobson. It was Jakobson who laid the groundwork for the study of metalanguage as a system. He introduced into the scope of linguistics such problems as the correspondence of and interaction between the structures of language and metalanguage, systemic organization of metalanguage, functional asymmetry between metalinguistic units, and semiotic parameters of metalanguage. These issues still require a thorough and comprehensive investigation. Therefore, Jakobson’s linguistic research has not yet exhausted its heuristic potential and will continue to serve as a theoretical and methodological foundation for current and future studies on metalanguage.
metalanguage, functional model of language, metalinguistic function, metalinguistic unit, R. Jakobson
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