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Uprising in Upper Savoy in May 1793. P. 23–33

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Andrey A. Mitrofanov
Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences; prosp. Leninskiy 32a, Moscow, 119334, Russian Federation;
ORCID: e-mail:


In May 1793, a major popular uprising took place in Haute-Savoie, in the Ton Valley, which had important consequences for the region. At the time of recruitment into the army of the republic, residents of 13 communes of the valley near the city of Annecy entered into an armed confrontation with units of the French army and volunteers of the National Guard. The main slogans of the rebels were the abolition of the civil constitution of the clergy and conscription. The bulk of the rebels were peasants and artisans. The representative of the National Convention M.-J. Herault de Sechelles played a significant role in suppressing the uprising. Herault de Sechelles and the procureur-syndic of the district Annecy J.-C. Burnod. Marguerite Frischelet-Avet stood out especially among the leaders of the uprising. During the suppression of the uprising, the Republicans acted with extreme brutality and without observing any legal procedures. The uprising ended in defeat, but general political and social instability persisted in the Mont-Blanc department during 1793-1794.


French Revolution, Savoy, counter-revolution, civil constitution of the clergy, conscriptions, Thônes Valley, revolt


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