Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Linguistics Download (pdf, 0.5MB )UDC81’37:[811.161.1+811.111]DOI10.37482/2687-1505-V061AuthorsTat’yana V. BorisenkoChelyabinsk State University; ul. Br. Kashirinykh 129, Chelyabinsk, 454001, Russian Federation; ORCID: e-mail: AbstractThis paper aimed to study the content of the concept of wife in Russian and English-speaking linguocultures. The research will broaden the understanding of linguistic consciousness of Russian and English native speakers as well as identify some peculiarities of their world image. It is important to study the national world image today, as it can help to improve mutual understanding between cultures and simplify the assimilation process for those who decide to immigrate for some reason or other. The author utilized the methods of linguocultural and comparative analysis, as well as of associative-verbal nets study suggested by Yu.N. Karaulov. They include comparing associative-verbal nets by respondents’ first two reactions, identifying the most frequent types of answers, and grouping the responses into semantic zones. Further, the article analyses the synonymic chains of the word wife and explains the significance of this concept in Russian and English-speaking linguocultures, as well as identifies common semantic groups for the concept (wedding, household) and determines a common response to the stimulus in the two linguocultures. In addition, the paper traces differences in the perception of the concept of wife and singles out various semantic zones and their key elements. The research found that for many Russian native speakers, this concept contains such features as faith and belonging to someone, while in English linguistic consciousness it includes gender and partnership.Keywordslinguistic consciousness, concept of wife, concept of family, world image, Russian linguoculture, English-speaking linguoculture, associative-verbal netReferences1. Alefirenko N.F. Metodologicheskie osnovaniya issledovaniya problemy verbalizatsii kontsepta [Methodological Bases of Studying Concept Verbalization]. Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser.: Gumanitarnye nauki, 2004, no. 2, pp. 60–66.2. Frolov I.T. (ed.). Filosofskiy slovar’ [Philosophical Dictionary]. Moscow, 2001. 719 p. 3. Ufimtseva N.V. Yazykovoe soznanie – obraz mira – yazykovaya kartina mira [Language Consciousness – Worldview – Language Picture of the World]. Voprosy psikholingvistiki, 2015, no, 24, pp. 115–119. 4. Tarasov E.F. Yazyki soznaniya [Languages of Consciousness]. 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