Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Philology Download (pdf, 4.2MB )UDC81ʼ42+801.7DOI10.17238/issn2227-6564.2019.1.39AuthorsIrina G. ZhirovaMoscow Region State University; Perevedenovskiy per. 5/7, Moscow, 105082, Russian Federation; e-mail: AbstractThis article deals with science as a means of communication between the author of an academic text and the academic community as a receiver of that information. Communication in science is a special kind of activity consisting of both production and perception of linguistic signs for the purpose of transmitting scientific information. The numerous multidisciplinary research programmes being developed indicate an integration of sciences and contribute to the emergence of extended systems of scientific knowledge. Efficient research consisting of two equivalent methods (analysis of existing knowledge and synthesis of new knowledge) requires a comprehensive consideration of the main object of research: the academic text. the communicative-information approach to the study of the academic text considers it to be a result of world cognition. Structural and content analysis of the academic narrative allows us to determine its formalization and abstraction levels, as well as the scope of scientific information presented in it. Academic language is a special type of language having its own terminological system, while branchspecific knowledge is a unique information layer, whose stratification is enhanced by terminological systems. Academic language is not only a communicative, but also a modelling system, able to transmit information and process it in a certain way. The most significant method for exploring the academic language is the linguistic statistical method allowing one to measure both the semantic information capacity of a language and its flexibility.Keywordsacademic text, academic communication, scientific knowledge, academic language, terminological systemReferences1. Alekseeva M.V. Tipologicheskie osobennosti nauchnogo teksta: gipertekstovaya tipologiya yazyka nauki [Typological Features of the Scientific Text: Hypertext Typology of Academic Language]. Moscow, 2015. 100 p.2. Kotyurova M.P. Kognitivno-diskursivno-stilisticheskoe rassmotrenie stereotipnosti rechi (na materiale tekstov nauchnykh statey) [Cognitive-Discursive-Stylistic Analysis of Speech Stereotypy (Based on the Texts of Scientific Articles)]. Kognitivnaya lingvistika: novye paradigmy i novye resheniya. Ser.: Kontseptual’nye issledovaniya, 2011, no. 15, pp. 825–838. 3. Buyanova L.Yu. Terminologicheskaya derivatsiya v yazyke nauki: kognitivnost’, semiotichnost’, funktsional’nost’ [Terminological Derivation in Academic Language: Cognitivity, Semioticity, Functionality]. Moscow, 2014. 256 p. 4. Leontovich O.A. Metody kommunikativnykh issledovaniy [Methods of Communicative Research]. Moscow, 2011. 224 p. 5. Nikitina S.E. Semanticheskiy analiz yazyka nauki (na materiale lingvistiki) [Semantic Analysis of Academic Language (Based on the Material of Linguistics)]. Moscow, 2014. 146 p. 6. Kulikova I.S., Salmina D.V. Vvedenie v metalingvistiku: sistemnyy leksikograficheskiy i kommunikativnopragmaticheskiy aspekty lingvisticheskoy terminologii [Introduction to Metalinguistics: Systemic Lexicographic and Communicative-Pragmatic Aspects of Linguistic Terminology]. St. Petersburg, 2002. 352 p. 7. Bedrina I.S. Funktsional’naya semantiko-stilisticheskaya kategoriya gipotetichnosti v angliyskikh nauchnykh tekstakh [Functional Semantic-Stylistic Category of Hypotheticality in English Scientific Texts]. Yekaterinburg, 1995. 184 p. 8. Mel’chuk I.A. Yazyk: ot smysla k tekstu [Language: From Meaning to Text]. St. Petersburg, 2005. 176 p. 9. Lotman Yu.M. Ob iskusstve [On Art]. Moscow, 2008. 704 p. 10. Kolmogorov A.N. Trudy po stikhovedeniyu [Works on Versification]. Moscow. 2016. 256 p. Available at: http:// xn--80aaitjkj2b.xn--p1ai/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/978-5-4439-2446-5-Kolmogorov-Trudy-po-stihovedeniyu.pdf (accessed: 25 December 2018). |
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