Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: History Download (pdf, 3.9MB )UDC94(470)«1941/1945»+623.828-94AuthorsLev B. KrasavtsevNorthern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov; prosp. Lomonosova 58, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; e-mail: l.krasavcev@narfu.ru AbstractThis article dwells on the challenges faced by the personnel unloading the ships with military aid cargo that were arriving in the Arkhangelsk Commercial Seaport in 1941–1945. To solve these problems, the country’s leadership (State Defenсe Committee) took extraordinary measures. From all over the country cranes and other equipment as well as workforce were sent; in particular, dockers and stevedores came from Leningrad and the Black Sea regions. Authorized representative of the State Defence Committee I.D. Papanin was appointed chief of this work. As early as in 1941, urgent modernization and reconstruction of the port were launched, additional icebreakers and dredgers were allocated, and measures were taken to improve the diet of those involved in cargo operations. As a result of the work carried out and I.D. Papanin’s strenuous efforts, the ships with military aid cargo that came with convoys were unloaded promptly and in time. It should be noted that during the entire war there were no delays in sending off the convoys, even though at that time in addition to receiving and shipping foreign commercial cargo the port provided cabotage, Arctic and military transport. For their successful work on loading and unloading imported military supplies and food, a large group of Arkhangelsk dockers were awarded medals and orders. The work that was carried out by dockers of the Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Molotovsk ports during the Great Patriotic War equals a feat of labour. And it is all the more significant as they had to work under extremely difficult conditions: severe northern climate; modernization and related construction work during loading and unloading; lack of experience in receiving imported goods, especially arms and heavy cargo; constant personnel turnover; harsh working conditions according to wartime laws; and dreadful living conditions during the war.KeywordsGreat Patriotic War, Arkhangelsk Commercial Seaport, I.D. Papanin, Arctic convoys, militaryReferences
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