Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Philosophy, Sociology, Politology Download (pdf, 2.9MB )UDC316.334.54AuthorsGolovatsky Evgeny VasilyevichFaculty of Political Science and Sociology, Kemerovo State University korp. 4, 40 Tereshkovoy St., Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation; e-mail: politsocio@kemsu.ru AbstractThe article examines political innovations in terms of the social component and available resources. Typology of political innovations takes into account: the frequency of use, direction of social risk, political weight, recognizability of innovation elements, awareness of innovation participants, etc. Social resources are an important basis for the sociological study of political innovations. The author mentions the principles of diversity, leading goal, reasonable sufficiency, predictive variance, and resource security. Criteria of social resource reproduction in innovations include: quantitative and qualitative changes in resource composition; availability or inaccessibility of resources; manufacturability; public value; mobility; location of reserves. Political innovations are analysed taking into account such variables as time and historical memory of past political events. On the basis of the network approach, the paper suggests considering promising ways of attracting intellectual social resources in order to support sociopolitical interaction. The Internet is seen as a major creative platform for positioning sociopolitical interests, initiating a dialogue between the people and the authorities, as well as for various innovations. At the same time, the author notes some difficulties in the development of innovative practices on the Internet. The article points out the importance of social resources in the formation of innovative environment of specific territories. In addition, the author singles out criteria for ensuring innovation processes: the effects of “resource socialization”; qualitative content of social resources; mobility of resources; willingness to use external resources; historical memory of the population on this territory. The author provides the results of a sociological research on the attitude of the population towards political innovations (the Kemerovo Region was taken as an example).Keywordssocial resources, political innovations, criteria of resource provision, innovative processesReferences
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