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Reproductive Behaviour of Young Families in the Arkhangelsk Region. P. 65–75
Section: Philosophy, Sociology, Politology
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Fedulova Anna Borisovna
Integrated Safety Institute, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
This paper analyses the reproductive function of the modern family and its changes under the
influence of ongoing social transformations. Modern society has seen weakening of the family as a social
institution and changes in the quality of family relationships. This transformation is evidenced by the fact
that familism as a value is giving way to individual values; nonmarital values and ways of personal selffulfilment
are becoming widespread; for the younger generation marriage, sexuality and procreation
are autonomous. Progress and modernization of values, importance of material wellbeing, and better
educated society alter the reproductive behaviour of families, resulting in lower birth rates. Thus, we can
say that fertility of the modern family is an indicator of cooperation and rivalry between family values,
values of individuals and society as a whole. However, recent years have witnessed marriage and
family as a functional system becoming increasingly important. A problem-free young family is seen by
the state as the main potential of Russia, ensuring the demographic future of the country. That is why it
is necessary to form and cultivate moral values in the society and create favourable conditions for the
young family to have children. Based on the results of a sociological research, the paper describes the
reproductive behaviour of young families living in the Arkhangelsk Region depending on the sex, age
and education level of the respondents, their income level and number of siblings. The author comes
to the conclusion that higher quality of life of the young family is key to increasing birth rate in the
region. The results of the study can form the basis for a regional programme aimed to stimulate active
reproductive behaviour of young families.
transformation, family values, birth rate, reproductive behaviour, factors of reproductive choice, young family, quality of family life
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