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Opportunities and Threats of the New Global Technological Revolution in the Context of National Innovation Policy. P. 48–56
Section: Philosophy, Sociology, Politology
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Mayorov Arseny Valeryevich
Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Political Science, Saint Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia)
This paper analyses the positive and negative impact of the current global technological revolution on
various aspects of society. Further, the article looks at the latest scientific breakthroughs and highlights
key trends in the technological development. Among these trends we can name the following: intensified
globalization processes, accelerated technological development, growing number of multidisciplinary
research and technology, higher worldwide life expectancy and standard of living as a result of
technological development. Moreover, the paper addresses the problems posed by the technological
revolution. They include: clearer social differentiation; destruction of national cultures; further intrusion
on privacy; interstate competition for the benefits of the technological revolution; transformation of social
relations; cybercrime, and ethical issues in connection with scientific experiments. In general terms,
technology is not just a set of tools or a bulk of knowledge about ways and means but a system of
knowledge and action following a certain ordered methodology. If we assume that it is knowledge that
becomes the main resource for the development of modern society, a factor restructuring all spheres
of public life, we then have to consider the ability of all social actors to generate knowledge aimed to
change and form social reality according to the internal needs of individuals and social groups. We need
to better understand the role of knowledge itself, which has always been important in the communication
process but is now becoming one of the factors determining either success or failure of new social
projects, programs and technologies. In general, this paper demonstrates the controversial nature of the
changes brought about by the technological revolution while recognizing the possibility of using these
changes for the wellbeing of society.
technological revolution, globalization, nanotechnology, biotechnology, multidisciplinary technology
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