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Police Training in the European Union According to Historical Sources. P. 23–33
Section: History
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Kiselev Anatoly Kirillovich
Institute of Law, North Caucasian Federal University (Stavropol, Russia)
The author suggests an overview of the current European documents to study the evolution of
the police training policy in the EU during the mid – 20th and early 21st century. This overview will
be of interest to experts studying training and social welfare of both domestic and foreign police. The
first group of sources includes EU documents, international and European laws on the education and
training of police personnel. The author has performed an original analysis of the guidelines of the
European Police College (CEPOL) from 2001 to 2014. In other documents of EU governing bodies
the author analysed some of the decisions taken by the European Commission in order to involve in
the process of training police officers not only specialized education institutions but also civil colleges,
institutes and universities, which allowed the police in the member countries to receive bachelor’s
and master’s degrees, something unheard of until 2008. The second group of sources is comprised
of the national legislations of EU member states, as well as departmental legal acts at the national, regional and local levels. These are, of course, national codes of police ethics; police acts (under
various names); documents of national police academies, institutes and colleges. The third group
is represented by source materials from both Russian and foreign periodicals. The author believes that
the sources under study can serve one of the starting points for the Russian police in their responding
to current challenges.
police, police training, European Union, CEPOL, police legislation, European Code of Police Ethics, police journals
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