Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Philosophy, Sociology, Politology Download (pdf, 2.5MB )UDC314.7+325.14+323.21AuthorsTyurikova Irina IgorevnaInstitute of Social, Humanitarian and Political Sciences, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia) e-mail: i.tyurikova@narfu.ru Golomidova Polina Sergeevna Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia) e-mail: p.golomidova@narfu.ru AbstractIncreasing immigration is one of the demographic characteristics of modern Russia. It is accompanied by transformation of the ethnic structure of migration flows, namely by the increased migration of ethnic groups not typical of the region. These circumstances raise the question of how the relationships between the cultural majority and immigrants, as well as other cultural groups, are to be built up in order to prevent racist and xenophobic attitudes and to ensure a peaceful and tolerant environment in the Russian regions. The article dwells on the deliberative model of multiculturalism as a policy best suited to establishing an intercultural dialogue. In the first part of the article, the advantages, key principles and mechanisms of implementation of this model are named. The main advantage of the deliberative model is providing an open dialogue in the public sphere of civil society aimed to establish mutual understanding and respect between different cultures. The key principle of this model implementation is a two-level approach to understanding the political process: it includes establishing a dialogue not only between different cultures at the level of civil society, but also between cultural groups and public authorities. In the second part, the authors, using the example of the Arkhangelsk Region, show that some elements of deliberative multiculturalism can be introduced and, what is more, has already been partially implemented in Russia. To prove that, the authors examine the work of the regional public organization “Council of Nationalities of the City of Arkhangelsk and Arkhangelsk Region”, which just in a few years has built up a constructive relationship with the authorities of the Arkhangelsk Region, in line with the two-level approach to understanding the political process. In the final section, the authors discuss whether the experience of the Arkhangelsk Region in establishing an intercultural dialogue corresponds to the ideas of deliberative multiculturalism and suggest further directions for the development of this model. Keywordsmigration, deliberative multiculturalism, intercultural dialogue, Council of Nationalities of the City of Arkhangelsk and Arkhangelsk RegionReferences
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