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Ethical Basis of a Journalist’s Professional Culture. P. 90–98
Section: Philology
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Teplyashina Alla Nikolaevna
School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Saint Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Ethics is inseparable from the professional culture of a modern journalist, who is required to have
certain skills and know the rules and principles to choose his/her behaviour strategy. Applying the rules of
professional ethics is becoming difficult because of the new information and communication technologies.
Indeed, this sphere has seen an impressive breakthrough. At the same time, many intellectuals have
expressed concern about the moral threats to human existence, which are a consequence of this
scientific and technological development. While ethics is commonly understood as the rules of moral
conduct of a person, social or professional group, information ethics deals with the norms governing
human conduct in relation to information. Tradition can no longer help address critical professional
situations; the new reality requires using professional ethics as a set of moral principles, i.e. a code of
ethics in line with the current challenges.
In 1755, Mikhail Lomonosov defined 7 responsibilities of a journalist, but his “Dissertation ...” cannot
be called a code of ethics as the scientist spoke on behalf of the society, reminding the publicists of their
duty, while the code of ethics is formulated within a professional community.
Journalistic codes in different countries have much in common and include the following ethical standards:
free access to information sources; restraining from the material contradicting his/her employer’s
policy; restraining from the сreation of material or performance of other professional act against his/her
conscience; professional secrecy; freedom of conscience; collective and personal employment contracts
ensuring the material and moral aspects of their work; protection of journalists and creation of the
necessary conditions for them to perform their functions according to the professional rules in case of
an international armed conflict or domestic unrest; respect for human dignity and privacy; commitment
to public interests; restraining from dishonest ways of obtaining information (such as concealing their
being journalists).
professional culture, ethical values, information and communication technology, information ethics, code of ethics, self-regulation of mass media, media community
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