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Towards a Conceptualization of Sacred Space Orientational Structure. P. 71–77
Section: Philosophy, Sociology, Politology
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Khudyaev Andrey Sergeevich
Postgraduate Student, Institute of Social, Humanitarian and Political Sciences,
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
The article deals with further development of theoretical constructs in the field of phenomenology
and semiotics of sacred space. Along with some improvements, a number of prerequisites are revealed
within the humanitarian and philosophical discourse. The description of these prerequisites becomes a
part of a systematic development of the concept of orientational semiotic structure of sacred landscape.
According to this concept, space is a totality of orientations which are considered as a special type of
signs (symbols), a specific way of actualizing meanings. The following prerequisites are singled out:
a) semiotic: semiotic classifications include the indexical type of signs, which, along with other ways of
referencing to an object, can point right in the direction of the referent; b) phenomenological: orientation
is considered as a symbol which joins the subject and object of religious intention. The form of orientation
itself (geometrically it can be described as a vector) corresponds to the fundamental prerequisite of
human consciousness. In the phenomenological philosophical and scientific tradition, this prerequisite
is defined as intentionality: a) philosophical-anthropological: the author gives an example of etymological
interpretation of the word human (anthropos), which includes spatial direction; another example is
related to the verb stand, which takes on a fundamental meaning of vertical orientation and movement
when applied to a human; b) metaphysical: the author turns to the concepts of classic traditionalism that
see direction as a fundamental element of space determining its primordial quality; c) psychological or
cognitive: the author refers to the works by L. Lévy-Bruhl containing some examples of orientation signifying
participation between the human being and various elements of space. In addition to the prerequisites
above, the author provides examples of concepts according to which spatial differentiation is based
on primordial perception and spontaneous reaction of a human to the phenomena in the environment.
sacred space, intentionality, semiotic status, orientation, ritual, symbol, cultural landscape
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