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Russia’s Arctic Strategy as a New Type of Policy: Regional Potential, Challenges and Research Support. P. 35–46
Section: History
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Podoplekin Andrey Olegovich
Arkhangelsk Scientific Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Institute of Social, Humanitarian and Political Sciences, Northern (Arctic) Federal University
named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
Bestuzheva Kseniya Georgievna
Institute of Social, Humanitarian and Political Sciences, Northern (Arctic) Federal University
named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
The paper dwells on the Russian strategy in the Arctic as a new type of policy, evaluates the
importance of delimitating the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) and analyzes the content of
its development programs. These Arctic strategies can be determined as a “domestic-international” policy
(“meta-strategy”) due to the ultimate interdependence between the international and domestic aspects
of a country’s development as well as the essence and the international legal status of the Arctic area. Further, the paper describes the socioeconomic situation and problems of the Arkhangelsk Region as
well as the crisis state of the indigenous population – Russians of Pomorie – living on continental coastal
territories included into AZRF. The key crisis manifestations include deterioration of the transport and
social infrastructure and degradation of the main economy sectors in these areas. The paper points out
that one of the main hindrances to the realization of regional potential and social energy in the coastal
zone of the Arkhangelsk Region is the contradiction between the notions of “indigenous population”
and “indigenous peoples”. This discrepancy makes full-fledged traditional forms of economic activities
and nature management impossible. In addition, the paper summarizes promising modernization trends
in the economic and social spheres of the Arkhangelsk Region according to the Strategy for AZFR
Development. Having analyzed research activities of the circumpolar states in the Arctic, we came
to the conclusion that research support is a key factor in mobilizing and fulfilling the regional potential
and social energy of the AZRF population, including the Arkhangelsk Region. This aim can be achieved
with the establishment of the Federal Centre for Integrated Arctic Research in the region.
Arctic strategy of Russia, Arctic zone, national Arctic policy, subarctic regions, Arkhangelsk Region, potential, socioeconomic problems, indigenous population, spatial development, local economy, research support
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