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The Influence of Shipping on the Development of Fishing and Hunting in the Yenisei Province (1863–1917). P. 14–23
Section: History
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Sergey T. Gaydin
Institute of Law, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
90 prosp. Mira, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Federation;
Galina A. Burmakina
Institute of International Management and Education,
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
90 prosp. Mira, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Federation;
The article examines the reasons of using steamers in the lower reaches of the Yenisei River,
the influence of navigation on the development of fishing and hunting industries, and ways of solving
problems caused by steam vessels while exploiting natural resources. The chronological framework of
the research covers the pre-Soviet period, starting from 1863, when fishermen began using steamers for
commercial purposes. The authors studied archival materials, papers of experts investigating the state
of fish resources and fisheries, as well as Memorial Books of the Yenisei Province. It is emphasized here
that shipbuilding in Yeniseysk in the 1860s was driven by the intention to maximize profits by increasing
fish catch in the lower reaches of the Yenisei River and reducing the time of its delivery upstream. The
use of steamers, giving their owners competitive advantage, contributed to the development of private
and state-owned shipping companies and resulted in the formation of fishing industry based on market
relations in the lower reaches of the Yenisei River. Fishermen focused on making a profit, while the
provincial administration, interested in higher revenues from the fishing industry and hunting, created
favourable conditions for their business. Moreover, the use of steamers encouraged fishermen to use
more effective fishing gear, supply high-quality salt to improve fish salting, and organize refrigerated cargo
fleet. Hence, in order to develop fishing and hunting, the public authorities organized coal exploration
for steamship furnaces, built a chain tug to enable steamers to go upstream, opened a school to train
fishery professionals and started formulating rules for the use of fishing areas and regulation of hunting.
Such collaboration between steamship owners and public authorities can be described as an effective
public-private partnership in the use of wildlife resources of the Yenisei area.
Yenisei province, Yenisei district, Turukhansk region, steamships, fish industry, hunting, purchase and sale of fish, purchase of furs, purchase of fossil ivory
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