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Attempts to Reform Church Proceedings in the Second Half of the 19th Century as a New Vision of the Legal Status of the Russian Orthodox Church. P. 47–57
Section: History
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Pavlushkov Aleksandr Rudolfovich
Vologda Law and Economics Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
2 Shchetinina St., Vologda, 160002, Russian Federation;
The article presents an overview of the debate that unfolded within the Russian Orthodox Church
about the place and role of the ecclesiastical court after the introduction of church statutes. It also names
the reasons for the church proceedings reform. The author provides a general description of the state of
the ecclesiastical court prior to the discussion of the church reform. The author comes to the conclusion
that the feeble attempts to bring church proceedings in line with the state ones, which began with the
Synod reform, failed to produce any significant changes. Serious shortcomings not only affected the
work of church authorities but also hindered the development of Russian judicial system in general.
The dialogue between the state and the Russian Orthodox Church gradually gave way to mutual
accusations that indicated a serious crisis in their relations. This paper analyses the views of the parties
involved on the practicability and general aspects of possible transformations. The author specifically
focuses on the reasons why these reforms were turned down. Inside the church environment there had
emerged two major parties with contrasting views on the future ecclesiastical court. Their common weak
point was inconsistent maintaining of their opinions. Too much compromise and contradictory public
speeches eventually reduced both approaches to nothing. Corporate interests and desire to follow the
established tradition indicated that the Russian Orthodox Church was behind in terms of adaptation and
responding to new challenges. As a result, the reform project for the most important church institution
practically failed. The second part of the article considers a 1870 project of ecclesiastical proceedings,
which was aimed to bring the court procedures in line with the uniform state requirements. The author
comes to the conclusion that the failure to implement the ecclesiastical court reform further aggravated
the crisis within the Russian Orthodox Church.
church proceedings, judicial and administrative church authorities, reasons for the ecclesiastical court reform, church reformation, church-state relations, 1870 ecclesiastical court project, church crisis
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