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Ethno-Cultural Interaction: Concept, Theories, Models. P. 60–66
Section: Philosophy, Sociology, Politology
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Khalturin Anatoly Nikolaevich
Institute of Social, Humanitarian and Political Sciences,
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
This article discusses conceptual approaches to describing ethno-cultural interaction and
understanding ethnicity and ethnogenesis. Forms and types of ethno-cultural interaction are systematized
taking into account the variety of forms of ethnic transformations and mechanisms of interaction.
Ethno-cultural interaction is presented both in the broad and in the narrow sense of the word.
Ethnicity transformation can be illustrated by the results of our ethno-sociological research in the
Nenets Autonomous Area. Ethno-social phenomena take place due to the deformation of social ethnic
consciousness among indigenous peoples of the north, the underlying factor being everyday changes
in personal ethnic consciousness. The research on the ethnological landscape in the European North
of Russia revealed the following local and regional patterns of ethno-cultural interaction: Kola Sami,
Nenets, and Karelian-Finnish models.
social interaction, theories of ethno-cultural interaction, ethno-social processes, regional ethnic communities, models of ethno-cultural interaction
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