Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Pedagogics. Psychology Download (pdf, 1.9MB )UDC159.9.07AuthorsTimofeeva Irina VladimirovnaYekaterinburg Branch, The Urals State University of Physical Culture (Yekaterinburg, Russia) AbstractThe paper dwells on parenting relations in families having a child with cerebral palsy. The studyinvolved families raising children with cerebral palsy with either intact intellect or intellectual disabilities. We studied the factors of perceiving their family relations by adolescents and the influence of these factors on the individual features of self-awareness. The adolescents perceive the attitude of their parents to themselves as hostile and tending to reproach; it is also typical for the parents to have an instructive parenting style. Noteworthy is the discovery of negative significant coefficients for these indicators. The study showed that parental role depends on the sex of the child. Our data suggest that the fathers demonstrate a high level of inconsistency in terms of their behaviour and educational measures towards their sons, while the girls tend to perceive the behavior of their fathers as autonomous and emotionally cold. The mother’s attitude is identified by the girls and boys differently by the level of positive interest and hostility. The girls with intact intellect rate the level of positive interest and acceptance by their mothers higher that the girls with intellectual disabilities. Keywordschild with cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy, parental attitude, technique “Teenagers About Their Parents”References
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