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Energetic Exposition of Linguistic Worldview. P. 97–104
Section: Philology
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Lobanova Lidiya Petrovna
Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
W. von Humboldt’s concept of linguistic worldview (Weltansicht) was further developed by
L. Weisgerber who put Humboldt’s idea of language as an ongoing activity and not a completed work,
i.e. energeia and not ergon, at the centre of his own language theory. Accordingly, language is to be
studied as containing both the static worldview (Weltansicht), being a system of linguistic contents, and
the dynamic one (Weltbild), being a process of linguistic world exploration or wording (Worten der Welt).
Describing this dynamic or energetic worldview, Weisgerber employs linguistic techniques using the term
linguistic grasp (sprachlicher Zugriff).
linguistic worldview, world outlook, energeia, wording the world, linguistic grasp
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