Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Philosophy, Sociology, Politology Download (pdf, 1.9MB )UDC316.324.6AuthorsNikitin Anton PavlovichKatanov Khakass State University (Abakan, Russia) AbstractThe research is devoted to the examining of sociocultural meaning of money in the traditional typesof society. Money is examined not only as one of the elements of the economic sphere but also in a broader context – as a sociocultural phenomenon. The traditional understanding of money is analyzed through such issues as the origin of money, introduction of metallic currency, and money vs. power. The survivals of the traditional viewpoint concerning money in modern society are also thoroughly examined. The article shows that the meaning of money in the traditional type of society was not determined by its face value but by the value of the item the sign was printed on. The form of money in the traditional society changed depending on climatic and social conditions. In the traditional society there was a functional differentiation of money. Having various forms, money established and supported the social and economic exchange in limited spheres, representing numerous opportunities. First of all, money acted as a r Keywordstraditional society, sociocultural meaning of money, commodity money, metallic currency, money as a symbol of power, universality of money, multiplicity of moneyReferences
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