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Modernization of Present-Day Russia in the Focus of Political Sociology. C. 37–44
Section: Philosophy, Sociology, Politology
(pdf, 1.8MB )
Mokshin Vasily Kirillovich
Institute of Social, Humanitarian and Political Sciences,
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
The paper considers the problem of choosing a subject for research in the sociopolitical theory in
the context of modernization in present-day Russia. The author suggests bringing identification and
solving of social and political problems of the Russian society into the focus of political sociology. Social
processes and modernization trends in contemporary Russian society are considered through the prism
of functioning of social institutions.
The institution of government is seen as the most important factor of efficient distribution of national
income among social groups. The growth of national income is affected by the information revolution,
making the social product constantly change under the influence of various factors. Labour force is a
major factor determined by the market’s demand and supply and affected by the quality of vocational
education, standards of labour, and patriotism.
With this in view, the author provides insights into the contradictory conditions and social prerequisites
for successful modernization of Russia.
modernization theory, aggregation of modernization, social issues, civil institutions, culture of modernization, subjects of modernization
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