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The Life and Work of the Natural History Teacher B.E. Raykov in Arkhangelsk in 1941–1945 (Humanitarian Aspect). C. 5–12
Section: History
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Volkov Valery Stepanovich
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Based on the materials from St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Archive as
well as B.E. Raykov’s memoirs and correspondence, the paper reveals the circumstances of his life in
Arkhangelsk, living conditions, family relations, his work at Arkhangelsk Pedagogical Institute, his role
in the establishment of the Faculty of Geography and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography
as well as his research on the history of science. The author describes B.E. Raykov’s personality, his
actions in various circumstances and his attitude towards them. Raykov was always ready to take
the initiative and acted firmly to achieve his goal in difficult situations. He was also good at using the
potential of his knowledge in teaching new subjects. The paper expands on Raykov’s system of natural
science education based on the model which he developed in Herzen University in Petrograd, being
head of the Department of Natural History Methodology in the 1920s. The author evaluates Raykov’s
contribution to the study of natural history in Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries. In addition, the
paper reports on awarding him the degree of Doctor of Pedagogy and his election to the Academy of
Pedagogical Sciences. B.E. Raykov had written a series of poems about his life in Arkhangelsk, some
of which are quoted in this paper.
B.E. Raykov, Arkhangelsk Pedagogical Institute, natural science education
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