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Classification of Didactic Terminology in Domestic Pedagogics. C. 133–140
Section: Pedagogics. Psychology
(pdf, 1.6MB )
Koshkina Elena Anatolyevna
Institute of Shipbuilding and Arctic Marine Engineering,
Severodvinsk Branch of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Severodvinsk, Russia)
Classification of didactic concepts and terms is a topical issue due to the need to systematize
scientific and pedagogical knowledge, as well as to make its conceptual and terminological framework
more stable. A variety and variability of classifying signs are presented on the basis of interdisciplinary
approach to creating relations in the system of didactic concepts and terms and to detection of their
mutual correlation. The paper analyzes classifications of didactic concepts and terms using the following
criteria: openness and interaction with term systems of other disciplines; content; scientific value and
maturity; object of nomination; features of the language of the relevant historical era; subject and topic
of the applicable branch of pedagogics. Having analyzed the educational and pedagogical literature, the
author suggests her own classification of didactic concepts and terms, relevant to the modern didactic
didactics, didactic terminology, didactic concept, didactic term, terminology classification
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