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Municipal Legal Regulation: The Scope and Limits. C. 120–127
Section: State Management and Law. Economics
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Usmanova Rezida Miniyarovna
Faculty of Law, Sterlitamak Branch of the Bashkir State University (Sterlitamak, Russia)
The paper dwells on the scope and limits of municipal legal regulation. By the scope the author
understands the area of potential legal relationship which is determined by federal laws and laws of the
constituent units of the Russian Federation as well as by municipal charters, taking into account specific
features of each municipality. The limits are primarily determined by the federal law and, therefore, it is
more relevant to talk about the relationship between the federal and municipal legal regulations. The
limits of local law-making are determined by the municipal charter and the act of the representative body,
taking into account historical and other local traditions. Special attention is paid to the limits of the local
legal regulation and its framework, as defined by the law. Thus, the author proposes extending the limits
of legal regulation in the constituent units of the Russian Federation.
local government, legal regulation, limits of regulation, law, municipal law-making
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