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Positive Administrative Procedures of Russian Customs Authorities. C. 111–119
Section: State Management and Law. Economics
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Trunina Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia)
The paper dwells on streamlining administrative procedures of customs authorities in Russia.
Doctrinal development of the types of administrative procedures for customs authorities is not only of
theoretical but also of practical importance, since it is basic for the higher quality of legal regulation of
these procedures and for ensuring lawfulness in this sphere, including observance of the rights and
legitimate interests of persons engaged in movement of goods and vehicles across the border of the
Customs Union. The paper makes a summary of doctrinal approaches to the definition of "administrative
procedure" and to the criteria for classification of administrative procedures. As the basic criterion, the
author suggests using their division into positive and jurisdictional procedures. The author proves that,
in addition to the criterion above, some other classification criteria are required in order to systematize
the diverse management procedures of customs authorities (dominated by the positive ones). In this
regard, the author suggests her own vision of systematization of key positive procedures in customs'
activity, taking into account their subject, and provides their brief description. Further, the author proves
the importance of dividing positive administrative procedures into internal and external, depending on
their sphere of application, and singles out the main types of these procedures.
administrative procedure, classification, positive procedure, order, customs authority, customs procedures
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