Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Pedagogics. Psychology The full-text version of the article can be requested through the university’s library. UDC37.03AuthorsLadoshkin Nikolay Alekseevich, Secondary School “Iskorka”; Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Psychology, Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod, Russia)AbstractThe article is devoted to the problem of general intellect development of schoolchildren within the frame of leisure and out-of-school activities. The essences of the “intellectual potential” notion as well as its structural components are analyzed. The study aimed to consider basic problems of choosing extracurricular activities and their content. In addition, it describes one of the possible ways of solving these problems.Keywordsextracurricular activities, intellectual potential of a schoolchild, general intellect development, background knowledge.References1. Anan’ev B.G. O problemakh sovremennogo chelovekoznaniya [Issues of Modern Anthropology]. Moscow, 1977.2. Anan’ev B.G. Problemy kompleksnogo izucheniya razvitiya intellekta i lichnosti [Problems of the Integrated Study of Intelligence and Personality Development]. Chelovek i obshchestvo [Man and Society]. Iss. 13. Leningrad, 1973. 3. Aristotle. Sochineniya [Works]. In 4 vols. Moscow, 1975. Vol. 1. Metafizika [Metaphysics]. Book 8. 4. Isaev I.F., Eroshenkova E.I. Problema diagnostiki urovnya razvitiya nauchnogo potentsiala lichnosti uchashcheysya molodezhi [Problem of Diagnosing the Level of Scientific Potential Development in Young Students]. Vestnik Pomorskogo universiteta. Ser.: “Gumanitarnye i sotsialnye nauki”, 2010, no. 3, pp. 135–139. 5. Rabochaya programma vneurochnoy deyatel’nosti po obshcheintellektual’nomu napravleniyu “Tvorcheskie uchebnye proekty” [Work Program of Extracurricular Activities for General Intellect Development “Creative School Projects”]. Available at: (accessed 21 December 2011). 6. Repina N.A. Razvitie dukhovno-intellektual’nogo potentsiala podrostka sredstvami pedagogicheskogo stimulirovaniya: avtoref. dis. ... kand. ped. nauk [Development of Spiritual and Intellectual Potential of Teenagers by Means of Teacher’s Encouragement: Cand. Pedag. Sci. Diss. Abs.]. Orenburg, 2003. 23 p. 7. Sedunova A.S. Psikhologo-akmeologicheskie osobennosti aktivizatsii intellektual’nogo potentsiala studentov vuzov: avtoref. dis. ... kand. psikhol. nauk [Psychological and Personal Achievement Features of Enhancing Intellectual Capacity of University Students: Cand. Psychol. Sci. Diss. Abs.]. Ulyanovsk, 2004. 27 p. 8. Ter-Minasova S.G. Yazyk i mezhkul’turnaya kommunikatsiya [Language and Cross-Cultural Communication]. Moscow, 2000. 260 p. 9. Kholodnaya M.A. Psikhologiya intellekta. Paradoksy issledovaniya [Psychology of Intelligence. Research Paradoxes]. St. Petersburg, 2002. 272 p. 10. Federal State Educational Standard of General Education. Availaible at: aspx?id=370 (accessed 21 December 2011) (in Russian). |
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