Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: State Management and Law. Economics The full-text version of the article can be requested through the university’s library. UDC332 : 330.322AuthorsMyakshin Vladimir Nikolaevich, Institute of Economics and Management, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)AbstractThe article is devoted to the evaluation of investment attractiveness of Russian regions. The author presents a developed methodology of assessing investment attractiveness of a region based on the concept of balanced scorecard. The results of the balanced assessment of Arkhangelsk region investment attractiveness are analyzed.Keywordsinvestment attractiveness, balanced scorecard, key factors.References1. Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Boston, 1996 (Russ. ed.: Kaplan R., Norton D. Sbalansirovannaya sistema pokazateley. Ot strategii k deystviyu. Moscow, 2005. 320 p.).2. Myakshin V.N. Mekhanizmy formirovaniya investitsionnogo potentsiala regiona v usloviyakh defitsita finansirovaniya [Mechanisms of Forming Investment Potential of the Region Under Finance Deficit]. Regional’naya ekonomika: teoriya i praktika, 2012, no. 48, pp. 12–22. 3. Myakshin V.N., Pes’yakova T.N. Sbalansirovannoe upravlenie effektivnost’yu regional’nogo lesnogo kompleksa [Balanced Management of Regional Forest Complex Efficiency]. Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. “Ekonomika i menedzhment”, 2009, iss. 11, no. 29 (162), pp. 75–80. 4. Plastinin A.V. Prioritetnye investitsionnye proekty v oblasti osvoeniya lesov kak mekhanizm privlecheniya investitsiy [Priority Investment Projects in Russia’s Forest Sector as a Mechanism for Attracting Investment]. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2012, no. 7, pp. 99–103. 5. Stepanova V.V. Investitsionnaya privlekatel’nost’ Pomorskogo regiona Rossii [Investment Attractiveness of the Pomor Region of Russia]. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2007, no. 9, pp. 76–80. |
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