Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Philology The full-text version of the article can be requested through the university’s library. UDC811.111’37AuthorsRomashina Olga Yuryevna, Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod, Russia)AbstractThe paper deals with the language objectivation of emotional constructs, complex mental phenomena reflecting the interception of emotions and thinking in human activity. It also states the foundations of the theory of objectivation and explains some of its basic terms. Objectivation is interpreted here as a process of putting abstract mental phenomena into the real language items.Keywordsobjectivation, construct, conceptual integration, emotional construct.References1. Berdyaev N.A. Ya i mir ob”ektov. Opyt filosofii odinochestva i obshcheniya [Solitude and Society]. Available at: (accessed 11 June 2012).2. Vol’f E.M. Funktsional’naya semantika otsenki [Functional Semantics of Evaluation]. Moscow, 1985. 232 p. 3. Izard K.E. The Psychology of Emotions. New York, 1991 (Russ. ed.: Izard K.E. Psikhologiya emotsiy. St. Petersburg, 2002. 464 p.). 4. Kubryakova E.S., Dem’yankov V.Z. K probleme mental’nykh reprezentatsiy [On Mental Representations]. Voprosy kognitivnoy lingvistiki, 2007, no. 4, pp. 8–16. 5. Prokhorova O.N., Chekulay I.V. K probleme obshchey klassifikatsii frazeologizmov angliyskogo, russkogo, ukrainskogo yazykov na aksiologichesko-deyatel’nostnoy osnove [The Problems of General Classification of English, Russian and Ukrainian Phraseologisms Based on Axiology and the Sphere of Human Activity]. Paremie narodu slovanskych IV. Ostrava, 2008, pp. 48–55. 6. Romashina O.Yu. Spetsifika ob”ektivatsii sinesteticheskikh konstruktov v angliyskom yazyke [Synesthetic Structures’ Objectivation in Modern English]. Nauchnye Vedomosti BelGU. Ser.: “Gumanitarnye nauki”, 2011, iss. 10, no. 12 (107), pp. 139–145. 7. Trunov D.G. Ob”ektivatsiya psikhicheskogo opyta [Objectification of Mental Experience]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Ser.: “Filosofiya. Psikhologiya. Sotsiologiya”, 2010, iss. 3 (3), pp. 71–82. 8. Fefilov A.I. Morfotemnyy analiz edinits yazyka i rechi [Morpho-Thematic Analysis of the Units of Language and Speech]. Available at: http:/ (accessed 10 June 2012). 9. Chekulay I.V. Funktsional’no-deyatel’nostnyy podkhod k izucheniyu printsipov otsenochnoy kategorizatsii v sovremennom angliyskom yazyke [Functional Activity Approach to the Study of the Principles of Evaluative Categorization in Modern English]. Belgorod, 2006. 236 p. 10. Ekman P. Expressions and the Nature of Emotion. Approaches to Emotion. Hillsdale, New York, 1984, pp. 319–343. |
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