Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: Philology The full-text version of the article can be requested through the university’s library. UDC821.161.1.0AuthorsKovtun Natalya Vadimovna, Institute of Philology and Language Communication, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)AbstractThe article analyzes the mythology and mythopoetics of the story of searching for truth in L. Ulitskaya’s early works. Special attention is given to The Funeral Party which is regarded as a metatext of world culture, as a hermeneutic game. The author suggests her reader to solve discourse ciphers (from ancient myths to postmodernism) in order to detect traces of the initial scenario intended by the Creator. The conceptual basis of the work was the myth about Medusa as the one knowing the secret of Creation.KeywordsUlitskaya, The Funeral Party, myth, Medusa.References1. Afonasin E. Antichnyy gnostitsizm. Fragmenty i svidetel’stva [Ancient Gnosticism. Fragments and Testimonies]. St. Petersburg, 2002. 368 p.2. Bogdanov K.A. Vrachi, patsienty, chitateli: Patograficheskie teksty russkoy kul’tury XVIII–XIX vekov [Doctors, Patients and Readers: Pathographic Texts of Russian Culture in the 18th–19th Centuries]. Moscow, 2005. 504 p. 3. Bunin I.A. Sobr. soch.: V 6 t [Collected Works: In 6 vols.]. Moscow, 1988. Vol. 1. 4. Burenina O. Erotika na manezhe sovetskogo tsirka [Eroticism in the Manege of the Soviet Circus]. Russian Literature, 2012, no. 69 (2–4), pp. 329–340. 5. Graves R. The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth. London, 1948 (Russ. ed.: Greyvs R. Belaya boginya: Istoricheskaya grammatika poeticheskoy mifologii. Moscow, 1999. 653 p.). 6. Graves R. The Greek Myths. London, Baltimore, 1955 (Russ. ed.: Greyvs R. Mify drevney Gretsii. Moscow, 1992. 620 p.). 7. Ivanov V. Dionis i pradionisiystvo [Dionysus and Early Dionysianism]. St. Petersburg, 1994. 359 p. 8. Kovtun N.V. Sud’ba otechestvennoy klassiki v intertekstual’nom pole rannikh tekstov L.Ulitskoy [The Fate of the National Classics in the Intertextual Field of Early Texts By L. Ulitskaya]. Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2012, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 172–179. 9. Kozlova S.M. Mifologiya i mifopoetika syuzheta o poiskakh istiny [Mythology and Mythopoetics of the Story About the Search for Truth]. Materialy k “Slovaryu syuzhetov i motivov russkoy literatury” [Materials for the “Dictionary of Topics and Motifs of Russian Literature”]. Novosibirsk, 1996, pp. 34–64. 10. Mifologicheskiy slovar’ [Dictionary of Mythology]. Moscow, 1990. 672 p. 11. Nabokov V. Rasskazy. Priglashenie na kazn’. Roman. Esse, interv’yu, retsenzii [Stories. Invitation to a Beheading. Novel. Essays, Interviews, Reviews]. Moscow, 1989. 528 p. 12. Deleuze G., Parnet C. Dialogues. Paris, 1977, pp. 165–168. |
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