Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University.
Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
ISSN 2227-6564 e-ISSN 2687-1505 DOI:10.37482/2687-1505
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Section: History The full-text version of the article can be requested through the university’s library. UDC327(98)AuthorsZaretskaya Oksana Valeryevna, Institute of Social, Humanitarian and Political Sciences, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)AbstractThe article is devoted to the key issues and challenges in the Soviet-Norwegian relations during fundamental changes in the world politics and bloc confrontation in the 1970s – 1980s. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of formation and transformation of Norway’s image under the influence of inter-state relations between the Soviet Union and Norway during this period.KeywordsSoviet-Norwegian relations, cold war, foreign policy, NATO, rivalry, Soviet press.References1. Peace Vigils Against Rockets: Pentagon Strengthens Its Military Presence in Norway. Pravda, 26 December 1984 (in Russian).2. Zhilin Yu. The Socialist International and Military Detente. Pravda, 12 January1981 (in Russian). 3. A Common Concern: Norwegian Peace Activists Are Preparing for the “Summer Offensive”. Pravda, 15 February 1983 (in Russian). 4. Yorgensen A. At the Forefront of the Fight. Pravda, 28 September 1981 (in Russian). 5. When the Issue Was in the Makeup: A Dangerous Step. Pravda, 14 January 1981 (in Russian). 6. Kostikov M. Comment Column: Alarming Symptoms. Pravda, 10 March 1981 (in Russian). 7. Kostikov M. A Dangerous Idea. Pravda, 23 July 1984 (in Russian). 8. Kostikov M. Northern Europe: Security Issues. Pravda, 28 October 1980 (in Russian). 9. Kostikov M. Alarm and “Alarm”. Pravda, 23 November 1982 (in Russian). 10. Kuznetsov Yu. Against Norway’s Interests: Testified by the Press. Pravda, 1 February 1975 (in Russian). 11. Kuznetsov Yu. Comment Column: NATO’s Probings. Pravda, 17 January 1974 (in Russian). 12. Kuznetsov Yu. Who Profits by This. Pravda, 10 March 1980 (in Russian). 13. Kuznetsov Yu. Young in Spirit: in Fraternal Parties. Pravda, 22 February 1977 (in Russian). 14. Kuznetsov Yu. Norwegians Protest: From Pravda’s Correspondent in Oslo. Pravda, 24 March 1981 (in Russian). 15. Kuznetsov Yu. Oslo: An Unexpected Find: A Cache of Weapons Discovered. Pravda, 19 November 1978 (in Russian). 16. Kuznetsov Yu. Testified by the Press: Unseemly Facts. Pravda, 19 June 1978 (in Russian). 17. Deputies’ Opinion. Pravda, 24 November 1977 (in Russian). 18. NATO Maneuvers to Take Place. Pravda, 30 December 1976 (in Russian). 19. Repnevskiy V.A. Evolyutsiya politiki SSSR/RF v otnoshenii Finlyandii, Norvegii i Shvetsii (70–90-e gg. XX veka): dis. … kand. ist. nauk [Evolution of the USSR / Russian Federation Policy on Finland, Norway and Sweden (1970s – 1990s): Cand. Hist. Sci. Diss.]. Arkhangelsk, 2006. 20. Riste O. Norway’s Foreign Relations – A History. Universitetsforlaget, 2001 (Russ. ed.: Riste U. Istoriya vneshney politiki Norvegii. Moscow, 2003. 416 p.). 21. From the Teletype. Pravda, 25 July 1981 (in Russian). 22. Trevoga norvezhtsev [Norwegian Anxiety]. Pravda, 25 October 1982 (in Russian). 23. Shelkov V. Comment Column: Part of the Iceberg. Pravda, 5 March 1979 (in Russian). 24. Stuffed with American Weapons. Pravda, 17 September 1982 (in Russian). 25. Spy Base. Pravda, 4 September 1977 (in Russian). 26. Yakhontov Yu. V bor’be za interesy trudyashchikhsya [Fighting for the Interests of the Working People]. Pravda, 26 April 1971 (in Russian). |
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